
Hack_Char's Blog

Introduction to Logging with Fluent-Bit and OpenSearch

I’m planning on a talk discussing opensource C2 (command & control) frameworks like Havoc and Mythic. To be complete, there really needs to be a good environment to test and demonstrate against. And to be thorough, this environment should at least have some basic security controls in place. As I keep finding poor documentation online, these blog posts will help to consolodate some lessons learned. Logging Logging is the most critical security control to implement.

HavocC2 Donut Plugin

Havoc C2 plugin for Donut I just made a Havoc C2 plugin to help spawn donut-generated shellcode into a new process. Will add some more features as time permits - really wanted this to help out with a ‘bypassing EDR’ talk I’m planning for next month. There’s a python plugin for the main and dev branches in the Havoc-Donut plugin repository. Make sure to use a Havoc C2 dev branch that contains this pull request.

OpenStack Containers

If you’re just trying to play around with OpenStack, definitely look at DevStack first. Before I go into any significant detail, here’s my current OpenStack (2023.1) configuration: Docker-Compose and general setup is documented in GitLab It will pull a single minimized Docker image (~600MB) from my DockerHub Why Containers? I’ve found that packaging my OpenStack configuration inside containers helps organize and revision control my OpenStack setup quite well. A number of containers will be privileged or host networking - if you’re going to use openvswitch and qemu, it’s going to be privileged.